We perform various shelf-life and stability studies at different conditions for small molecules, large molecules, biologics, and medical devices.
5°C ± 3°C
- 20°C ± 5°C
- 80°C ± 10°C
25°C ± 2°C
60% ± 5% RH
30°C ± 2°C
65% ± 5% RH
40°C ± 2°C
75% ± 5% RH
Every study is accompanied by a stability protocol approved and amended by the customer.
We issue stability reports at every time point of the study, including all events and results of the study.
Take action! Let us get in touch about our services.
Head Office
Q-Pro Laboratories B.V.
Contact information
Regus Business Park
B.M. Teldersstraat 7
6842 CT Arnhem The Netherlands
Tel: +31 68336 2915
For partners